Babajide Alalade

……. unlimited possibilities



Babajide Alalade

……. unlimited possibilities

  • “… life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning”

    Viktor Frankl


  • “…if you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent it from growing.”

  • “… Never forget any good deed done to you; and do not carry a grudge for a bad one.”

    Viktor Frankl
  • “… the meaning of our lives is to help others find the meaning in theirs”

    Edited from Viktor Frankl by Babajide Alalade
  • “… it is not the strongest species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change”

    Charles Darwin

About Me

Babajide Alalade qualified in Medicine from University of Lagos and obtained his Masters in Public Health at the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. He currently practices obstetrics and gynaecology as an Associate member and diplomate of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and currently a member of the Institute of Clinical Research UK and Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health, London.

His mission is to bring about a total change and accessibility to healthcare information in Nigeria and Africa; a fervent promoter and advocate for maternal health issues and the Founder of AsktheGynaecologist Group Nigeria. He spends his time between the United States and the United Kingdom and when not working he enjoys travelling and writing about the Forex and U.S. Options Markets, and has published two books on the same. He was a Finalist for the INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS Category  and his team won the OUTSTANDING TEAM AWARD at the 2018 Zenith Global Health Awards, London UK.


Ogadoki Nigeria

Ogadoki was designed to bridge the gap between patients and doctors in Nigeria. We are driven by a passionate belief that technology can greatly enhance the relationship between patients and health specialists. We are working on making our patients’ lives easier and our health specialists’ interactions more fulfilling.


AsktheGynaecologist Nigeria

AsktheGynaecologist Nigeria is an online forum designed for women all over the world, espeically in Africa, to enable them get easy and unrestricted access to advice on pertinent obstetrics and gynaecological concerns in a reliable and relevant way.

Askthe Gynaecologists Women's Health Foundation Nigeria

AsktheGynaecologist Womens’ Health Foundation provides education opportunities to children of the widows, divorcee and other less privileges that cannot afford school fees, our desire is to children of the less privileged, most especially in the rural communities.

Stay in School Foundation Nigeria

Stay In School Foundation provides education opportunities to children of the widows, divorcee and other less privileges that cannot afford school fees, our desire is to get children from hawking on the street and traffic back to school by providing  scholarships to children of the less privileged most especially in the rural communities.

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